I Like Silly Acronyms
Danny Bassette's Articles » Page 7
November 19, 2004 by Danny Bassette
       The past few days I've been noticing something rather odd when visiting a few peoples blogs. Put simply, I get too much information.        When I go to my own blog I get an extra strip called Page Views. It contains a bunch of numbers that I'm assuming are connected to the number of times said article has been viewed (seems obvious, but it could be a diversionary tactic on stardocks part). Along with this strip ...
November 18, 2004 by Danny Bassette
       Today I decided to change my blogs name. It was BWAT (Blog Without A Title), but I felt that was too close to BlueDev's A blog without a cause. Not that there is anything wrong with that, or that anyone had complained, but I wanted something more original. Not that originality is my strong point or anything. That and BWAT was almost sounding like a bad word to me. I'm pretty sure it isn't, but it almost sounded like one, and it is four letter so ...
November 17, 2004 by Danny Bassette
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November 15, 2004 by Danny Bassette
UIAQ Related Questions Q : Do we have an Official JoeUser FAQ? A : Not that I can find, this is an attempt at an Unofficial one. Feel free to add questions (or answers) as comments, I'll update this article accordingly. Q : Why do some of the answers have a name in parentheses? A : The name in the parenthesis is the person who provided the answer to the question, although I will often reword things. Q : Who helped with this and should be thanked? A : The following people co...
November 14, 2004 by Danny Bassette
        I don't know about the rest of you, but I often find myself writing (or more acurately thinking) things that never end up seeing paper (or keyboard, as the case may be). I have a tendancy to think about something I'd write, and by the time I get to the computer to type it up I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I'll have the rough idea, but somewhere between my head and my hands the idea gets lost. So then I read about how greywar is playing aroun...
November 12, 2004 by Danny Bassette
        This morning my mom comes into my room and says she's having chest pains so she's going to the doctors, can i make this recipe while she's gone. Hands me a card, a few quick comments on the recipe, and runs out the door. Well my mom has been known to panic pointlessly, and worrying on my part won't help any, so off to make the salad I go.         First we gather all the ingredients together, wouldn't want to get ...
November 12, 2004 by Danny Bassette
        It has come to my attention that certain people that frequent this site (joeuser in general, not just my little corner of it) are lacking in the sanity department. While it would be improper of me to name names, as it were, I am confident that those of you that I am speaking of are aware of your place in this grouping.         Those whose sanity would be overrated if it were refered to as so-so. T...
November 12, 2004 by Danny Bassette
        It has come to my attention that certain people that frequent this site (joeuser in general, not just my little corner of it) are lacking in the sanity department. While it would be improper of me to name names, as it were, I am confident that those of you that I am speaking of are aware of your place in this grouping.         Those whose sanity would be overrated if it were refered to as so-so. T...
November 11, 2004 by Danny Bassette
I'm a rather shy person (or at least I think I am), and I'm generally more comfortable quietly commenting then jumping in front of a group. When in groups in real life I rarely say anything, unless I have to. Always dancing along the edge of things, thats me. Having said that, I've over a dozen articles here. But when I first post them I wait for someone else to post more, so mine don't stay on the top of the most recent articles pile. I feel a little better once I'm hidden under someo...
November 10, 2004 by Danny Bassette
       Wisefawn... I can't say that I agree with everything you've written, or any of it even (which is besides the point). But you have been speaking your mind, and havn't let anyone stop you (or so it seems from my vantage point). And for that bravery alone I think you should be applauded. Either way, should you stay or go, I wish you well. I would have put this as a comment in your blog, but you disabled commenting. Your blog, your choice.
November 10, 2004 by Danny Bassette
Back in the day there was a game company called PAS, it stood for Plain And Simple . They made a game called Maelstrom, good game too. You had to save the planet Harmony from the evil Syndicate and their plant soldiers. Can't say that I ever finished the game, couldn't get past Zarkhov's invasion. He would always destroy my fleet and then kill me. Or put better, my fleet would destroy itself, they just didn't like to fight. But that's another story... Not too long ago there was a mov...
November 10, 2004 by Danny Bassette
Once upon a time I read a story about a guy (who I think called himself Devilmouse) that went off for hours on end about his mouse. It did all sorts of strange things. And since then, all mouses with red lasers are called devilmice. Up until about a month ago I was using the old style mouse with ball in it. But I finally reached the point where it wasn't worth keeping because I had to clean it so often. So now I have a nice optical mouse. Hehe, it's funny. The middle wheel squeeks when...
November 9, 2004 by Danny Bassette
I was born on March first, 1978. I'm told it was a snowy day, but I don't recall either way. er, that make me 26, not 27 like I've been thinking all year. Which shows that math is not my strong point. Family : I have a mother and father, Pam and Fred. A slightly younger sister, Adele, and two much younger brothers, Josh and Noah. Most of my extended family (cousins, grandparents, etc.) live in New Jersey. Supposable, one of my ancestors was on the Mayflower. Location : I live in Hon...
November 9, 2004 by Danny Bassette
I declare the Terms of Service no longer valid on my blog (at least until an admin yells at me ). And will therefore write my own. Unless otherwise stated, all ideas/thoughts/whatnot I write are my own. I will note those that aren't, but when I mess up (which I will, being human) correct first, then yell. I state my opinion, and mine alone, I have no right to state anothers. You are welcome to agree, disagree, rant, rave, ignore, whatever, that's your choice and your opinion. Since you...
November 8, 2004 by Danny Bassette
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