I Like Silly Acronyms
Danny Bassette's Articles In Personal Relationships
November 8, 2004 by Danny Bassette
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November 17, 2004 by Danny Bassette
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January 2, 2005 by Danny Bassette
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December 19, 2004 by Danny Bassette
       I first met WILMA (Woman I Love More then Anything) and her husband online in Asheron's Call. At the time they were sharing an account, so I don't know which one I really met first, although I suspect it was her husband. I believe we first ran into each other in early December of 1999. In early January they got a second computer pc and another Asheron's Call account as well. So then we could all play together, was great fun.    &nb...
December 10, 2004 by Danny Bassette
       I was going to wait to write this article until a bit closer to christmas, but I figured I might as well do it now.        Friday December 20, 2000. I'm pretty sure that was the date, but if I'm wrong it was close to that. Without going into too many details leading up to it, I was going to meet with the Woman I Love at church for what was to be the last time we would meet (we later got back together for a few wee...
December 1, 2004 by Danny Bassette
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September 17, 2005 by Danny Bassette
       Today she's out mowing the lawn somewhere, trying not to let the rocks and branches upset her. Perhaps this means she has a house of her own now, or maybe an apartment with a lawn, I don't know. In any case, from what little I can gather, she's doing well for herself. Since last I talked to her she's been promoted (twice?), taught class(es?), taken classes, and who knows what else (she would, but I don't). She is an amazing woman.   &nb...
June 9, 2005 by Danny Bassette
       I use instant messaging software, which some of you already know. I use trillian , because it lets me be on aim, yahoo, msn, and irc with just one client (not icq because I got way too much spam there). And I have a list of people on my messenger, imagine that. Now most of these people I talk to, a few of them I don't. Many of these people have icons attached to their names, and from time to time I'll go through the list and look at all the pictu...
March 31, 2005 by Danny Bassette
I'm a coward. If I wasn't I'd probably be in jail. But at least I'd have a better idea of how she feels about me. Instead I sit in my corner waiting for death to claim me, which it will, eventually, it's part of being a mortal (, foolish (which raises the question are their any unfoolish mortals?)). What brought this on? Well tonight I went to my brothers musical/play at his school. They did brigadoon, which for those of you that don't know is a love story about trusting your heart and ...
February 2, 2005 by Danny Bassette
       So it's been a few weeks since the last article on this story, and I did say I would try to continue it sooner. But I don't think I'm going to, hence this update to inform anyone that cares of that fact.        I want to tell the story, as much for others to read as to sort out my own head. I think it would be good for me, to tell it and through that finally let go of her. And therein lies the problem, I don't wa...
January 11, 2005 by Danny Bassette
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January 10, 2005 by Danny Bassette
       ack, don't know how to start article...        Basically I'm lonely and depressed, and as nice as it is to have friends online and such, it's not the same as having a real person there to talk with. So I stole someones idea and filled out the forms at yahoo and now I have a personal ad there. Not sure where it will go from here. I'm rather nervous about actually contacting any of the people who have ads up as wel...
January 2, 2005 by Danny Bassette
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.