I Like Silly Acronyms
look ma, no subtitle
Published on February 2, 2005 By Danny Bassette In Personal Relationships
       So it's been a few weeks since the last article on this story, and I did say I would try to continue it sooner. But I don't think I'm going to, hence this update to inform anyone that cares of that fact.
       I want to tell the story, as much for others to read as to sort out my own head. I think it would be good for me, to tell it and through that finally let go of her. And therein lies the problem, I don't want to let go. It's been four years and all I want is to be with her.
       When I started this blog I didn't want to tell this story, it wasn't going to be about it at all. A big part of that decision was the thought that all I am is the leftovers of that relationship, and I need to prove to myself that I'm more then that. And I have this fear that should I finish the story I will then have no further reason to write about anything. Not terribly rational I know.
       So the long and short of it is the story is on hold, indefinitly.

on Feb 04, 2005
Take your time Danny. As much as I am interested in hearing the story, I also know it's very painful and personal to you. You should write it when the time is right - when it will be a cathartic release rather than a tidbit of gossip. I think it's a good thing that you are working through it as much as you are.
on Feb 05, 2005
I was hoping to hear the story, too, but I understand that it takes time to consider articulating feelings about past relationships. Whether you write about it or not, there is more than that relationship that makes your blog interesting to read.
on Feb 05, 2005
Thanks for the support I'll probably finish the story, eventually, but not any time soon.
on Feb 05, 2005
You know my take on it...

I think there's lots of happiness out there for you to have, and you're not letting yourself do that, and that makes *me*...and alot of other people who feel like they know you through all these cables and wires...really sad for you, because we think that you deserve better.

Have you considered the fact that she just might be a springboard for the true love that you want? She might have been a taste...and hors d'oeurve if you will...but the real thing? The 7 course meal of love is still out there somewhere?

Man...Danny...I've been in your shoes...