I Like Silly Acronyms
move along...
Published on November 11, 2004 By Danny Bassette In Blogging
I'm a rather shy person (or at least I think I am), and I'm generally more comfortable quietly commenting then jumping in front of a group. When in groups in real life I rarely say anything, unless I have to. Always dancing along the edge of things, thats me.
Having said that, I've over a dozen articles here. But when I first post them I wait for someone else to post more, so mine don't stay on the top of the most recent articles pile. I feel a little better once I'm hidden under someone else. Sure, I want to be read, otherwise why am I writing, but I don't want my articles to jump out at people. More of quietly sitting there, waiting to be found. Course, if no one knows when something new is written, no one can read it. Ah, the problems with posting

on Nov 11, 2004
Hah, some of us aren't so prolific. I am usually lucky to get one composed a day. Every once in a while two, but that is only if I am really struck by some inspiration and I can really go with it.

I have enjoyd reading your work. Look forward to more.
on Nov 11, 2004
You have been doing great so far! I think I have read all of your posts and enjoy them immensely.
on Nov 11, 2004
Stick around JU for a bit longer and you too will become a points whore wishing your articles were always on top!

Just teasing!
on Nov 11, 2004
ack, not fans, must hide
nah, just kidding, glad your enjoying what i'm writting
shades: i want to be read, and comments are good too, but i don't want the points, feel free to give me any trollhouse cookies you happen to have lying around, i even made an article just for that purpose
on Nov 11, 2004
I know what you mean, i used to be like that alot.

But since i've started going towards other people, i have realized that they were scared to come towards me too. So it has encouraged me to go ahead and reach out to others.

If you do it a couple of times you'll eventually find it easier.

I dont think you should remain hidden Danny. I really hope to read more of your articles! So read you soon;)
on Nov 11, 2004
Ambush posting... I like it...
on Nov 11, 2004
I love the relative anonimity of blogging. It's very vicarious - you are interacting with people, but you are all alone. Sweet, sweet vicarious life.
on Nov 11, 2004
thanks island_gurl
er, greywar, what do you mean by ambush posting?
kristin, it's not exactly anonymous when you use your real name, but yes, your right on with the interacting yet alone