I Like Silly Acronyms
oooooh, look at all the pretty numbers :)
Published on November 19, 2004 By Danny Bassette In Blogging
       The past few days I've been noticing something rather odd when visiting a few peoples blogs. Put simply, I get too much information.
       When I go to my own blog I get an extra strip called Page Views. It contains a bunch of numbers that I'm assuming are connected to the number of times said article has been viewed (seems obvious, but it could be a diversionary tactic on stardocks part). Along with this strip I have the edit and delete buttons down by the comment bar. Since this strip has been on my blog from day one, but never anywhere else, I assumed it was because I had admin access to my blog. No problem here, all good, right?
       In the past day I've been to two peoples blog (iamheather and *grins wickedly*, although I doubt it matters) where I have seen these same strips, complete with the edit/delete buttons. Now I'm not going to click on the delete button to test it out, but I did try hitting the edit button. It brought me back to the same view I had just been at, ie I was unable to edit someone elses blog, even though the button to do so was there. So that's a good thing at least, even if the whole experience was rather odd.
       In both cases, an hour or so later the strips went away and everything was back to normal. But in both cases the extra information lasted through a refresh or two. I did like the extra information, it was neat to see them on someones elses blog
       Anyone else had a similar experience? Or any other oddness with the site? Or am I just special

on Nov 19, 2004
Awesome Danny...wtg. I don't know how you were given the access to edit my blog but more power to ya. That is truly "Twilight Zone"-ish. Thank you for not abusing it.

I have not experienced anything like it, but I am kinda new here.
on Nov 19, 2004
hehe, it happened again, this time on one of Brad Wardell's articles. And like I said, hitting the edit button didn't open up editing, which leads me to believe there is no power for me to be abusing, just extra words and numbers all over. It looks to be a no harm/no foul situation, just odd.