I Like Silly Acronyms
but for how long...
Published on November 18, 2004 By Danny Bassette In Blogging
       Today I decided to change my blogs name. It was BWAT (Blog Without A Title), but I felt that was too close to BlueDev's A blog without a cause. Not that there is anything wrong with that, or that anyone had complained, but I wanted something more original. Not that originality is my strong point or anything. That and BWAT was almost sounding like a bad word to me. I'm pretty sure it isn't, but it almost sounded like one, and it is four letter so better change it to be safe.
       When I first named my blog it was a spure of the moment thing. I knew that I wanted a blog, I even had my first article all written out, but then I was thrown by the request for a title (and welcome article, but that's another story). So I made up the quick acronym of BWAT. And it's served me well enough, but now I'm replacing it.
       Henceforth my blog shall be known as ILSA (I Like Silly Acronyms). Still four letters, so it might be a bad word, but it's almost a name, which is funny. And best of all, it's true. I too am now the proud owner of an interestingly named blog. But the question is, how long before I change it again. And how many people will be confused by the change
       Now I can only hope that the change works and I didn't just turn my blog into so much shredded html code

on Nov 19, 2004
ILSA... hmmm... it works.
but then I was thrown by the request for a title (and welcome article, but that's another story).

I still haven't written a welcome article, and I've been writing here for almost a year.... I'm a bit of a procrastinator, I guess.
on Nov 19, 2004
Nothing wrong with a little procrastination
on Nov 19, 2004
In an acronym filled world, ILSA feels like a very modern blog.
on Nov 19, 2004
I thought about doing a recursive acronym, like GNU (Gnu Not Unix), but well, I like ILSA, at least this week