I Like Silly Acronyms
society made odd
Published on November 14, 2004 By Danny Bassette In Pure Technology
        I don't know about the rest of you, but I often find myself writing (or more acurately thinking) things that never end up seeing paper (or keyboard, as the case may be). I have a tendancy to think about something I'd write, and by the time I get to the computer to type it up I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I'll have the rough idea, but somewhere between my head and my hands the idea gets lost. So then I read about how greywar is playing around with voice to text, and I'm thinking that could help. But the next logical step jumps out at me: thought to text.
        How would we pull this off you ask? Well we get ahold of Tracy Givens fan club and 'borrow' their toys. From the impression I get they send noise (speech) into people heads so they can hear it. How hard can it be to reverse this process? Instead of putting words in it will take them out. No more need for typing, just think at the computer.
        Mind you, I do see some potential problems. If you can get your thoughts out of your head, what's to stop anyone else from doing the same? No more secrets, you'd be able to read anyone mind (at least that is in range). Which would have an interesting effect on society. But at least you'd be able to get your thoughts written down a lot easier

on Nov 14, 2004

You could call that thought hacking.

Just crossed my mind: In a world where people can read thoughts, there would be no point to getting the thoughts to text at all, since people can tell what you are going to say before you say or write it.