I Like Silly Acronyms
beware the evil red eyes of the devilmouse
Published on November 10, 2004 By Danny Bassette In Gadgets & Electronics
Once upon a time I read a story about a guy (who I think called himself Devilmouse) that went off for hours on end about his mouse. It did all sorts of strange things. And since then, all mouses with red lasers are called devilmice.
Up until about a month ago I was using the old style mouse with ball in it. But I finally reached the point where it wasn't worth keeping because I had to clean it so often. So now I have a nice optical mouse. Hehe, it's funny. The middle wheel squeeks when I spin it, like a mouse would. And when it's dark two spots of red light show between the buttons, like two little eyes. My mouse is alive But at least I don't have to take it's ball out and clean it.
Devilmice for everyone

on Nov 10, 2004
Lol. Years ago I bought the first "devilmouse" and never went back.
on Nov 11, 2004

I'm using a devilmouse too. Highly recommend it.
on Dec 02, 2004
...Although many people don't know it...the red laser light is sending messages to secret govt. offices located in satellites orbiting the earth. The satilites aren't being detected because there is a collusion between the govt. and an alien race from another dimension. Everything on you computer is sent out there. One day (maybe tomorrow?) the govt. and the aliens will take over the world and there's nothing we can do about it...except to use ONLY ball mouses! I'm typing this on a safe (i.e. 486 computer) with a keyboard that has had the letters and number removed so the mouse doesn't know what I doing. Thanks
on Dec 02, 2004
woohoo, vast government/alien conspiracies. just one question, how will we know when they take over? maybe they have done so already but forgot to tell us.
on Dec 02, 2004
How do I know you're not working for THEM? And I've always be very suspicious about the little green light on the front of my confusser that blinks at me all the time. THEY claim it's the HHD activity light, but I've notice it only seems to blink when I'm using the confusser. And why is it green? I tell you, there's something happening inside...and I don't trust the govt.
on Dec 02, 2004
But if your not using it, then there should be no activity, and if they are telling you the truth it would make sense that the light doesn't blink then. As for why the light is green, everyone knows that aliens have green blood, what else would be inside it
on Dec 02, 2004
Hey, I came in my room in the middle of the night, when they didn't expect it. And that damn green light was flashing!! And it stopped as soon as it noticed I was there. You right about the green blood though...but how did you know what colour an alien's blood is? Hmmmmmm.....