I Like Silly Acronyms
Danny Bassette's Articles In Pets & Nature
June 6, 2005 by Danny Bassette
       It's summer again, seems to happen on a rather regular basis. With summer comes heat and being sweaty, two things I don't like together. Alright, that's not entirely true. I do like heat and sweat in certain situations, the situation known as 'summer' is not one of those. Being all hot and sweaty for weeks on end makes me rather irritable, not that I'm exactly pleasant to start with. Summer has just arrived and I'm already looking forward to wint...
May 11, 2005 by Danny Bassette
       I was eating breakfast this morning (imagine that, breakfast in the morning) and noticed a bee (or wasp, it flies, buzzes, and can sting me, who cares what it's really called) buzzing around the room. So I immediatly started plotting it's death, nice guy that I am. I don't like bees and will kill (or at least start plotting to) them on sight, at least inside. If outside, well that's their home so I'll leave them be so long as they leave me be. Ins...
April 17, 2005 by Danny Bassette
       So a few weeks back (think easter time) my sister left a kitten with us. In all fairness we did know she was going to do this, it wasn't just an easter surprise. Now we have psycho kitten (but then again arn't all kittens psycho) running around the house. Is source of great amusement. But also has some oddness/ungoodness to it as well.        The litter and food are kept in the computer room. Apparently I'm the...
January 22, 2005 by Danny Bassette
Away Message: Shoveling Snow        She's out shoveling snow, and I want to help her, but I can't, and I know I can't, but I want to all the same. I want to get in the car (which I don't own) and drive (which I can't legally do) up to her place and shovel with her. I shoveled/snowblowed our driveway and I didn't want to do that at all, was all grumbly while doing it. But I want to shovel for her. *sigh*        ...
January 1, 2005 by Danny Bassette
       So I'm sitting at my computers minding my own business, reading joeuser while playing starwars galaxies. Nothing all that different there, right? So I just happen to look down and there is a spider crawling across my desk right in front of the keyboard. Blunt object is grabbed, spider is squashed, end of problem. But it was a rather freaky experience all the same. hehe, and now I keep feeling phantom spiders crawling on me, silly nerves.
November 6, 2004 by Danny Bassette
       So it's fall, which means (among other things) that the leaves are falling off the trees (at least where I live). Which Means they have to be raked, which isn't something I enjoy. But my life isn't primarily about my enjoyment, so that's not a problem. So out i go to rake, and it's really windy. Which isn't a problem either, the wind does most of the work anyways, I just need to get the leaves started in the right direction. The problem is our do...