I Like Silly Acronyms
Spiders Are Scary
Published on January 1, 2005 By Danny Bassette In Pets & Nature
       So I'm sitting at my computers minding my own business, reading joeuser while playing starwars galaxies. Nothing all that different there, right? So I just happen to look down and there is a spider crawling across my desk right in front of the keyboard. Blunt object is grabbed, spider is squashed, end of problem. But it was a rather freaky experience all the same. hehe, and now I keep feeling phantom spiders crawling on me, silly nerves.
on Jan 01, 2005
YUCK!!!!!!!! I hate spiders
on Jan 01, 2005

They're coming to get you...ha ha...he he...ho ho !



on Jan 01, 2005
Manopeace: Then it's good it was me this happened to and not you. Generally I don't mind spiders, but this one was in my personal space, had to go.
iamheather: I hope not, but should I suddenly vanish, well you know what happened
on Jan 01, 2005
I quite like spiders actually, they're the only bugs that don't freak me out!

RIP little spider.

Happy new year Danny, thankyou for the comments

Dyl xx
on Jan 01, 2005
Spiders arn't really bugs, and I generally leave them alone because they eat bugs. But this one was asking to be squashed And your welcome
on Jan 05, 2005
Ghostly spiders? Danny, calm down Halloween isnt until another 10 months, he he...