Hey you, yeah you, go vote. Stop reading this right now and go out and vote, quick quick, run don't walk. I don't care who you vote for, your mother, the guy down the street, someone from one of the big parties, whoever, just go vote. If it helps you decided, vote for whoever you think would do the job the best, even if that ends up being the neighbors dog. Shoo, begone, stop reading already and go vote you silly persons. /e runs off to vote, hop hop What?! Your still ...
Now that things have quieted down on the political front (I can hope at least) I'm going to share my solution to all the problems we have in America. One simple idea, that if properly implemented, would solver every single problem in this nation. Mind you, not all of them would be solved overnight, but given time all of our problems would go away. So here's the solution: "Blow all them foreigners to Hell an...
Now I'm not an economics expert, but it seems to me that owing large piles of money is generally a bad thing. For individuals, busineses, and yes, governments too. So one of the most basic obligations of any government would be to balance it's own budget (or have a surplus, that would be fine too). From what I can gather the national government doesn't do this, and my local government isn't much better. So I've been thinking about how to encouragi...
I read in the paper today that the Netherlands had voted against the new European Union constitution. Alright, that's fine, their voting so their choice. In the article there was a quote from the president (prime minister, whatever the office is called over there) saying that it was bad they voted against it. Again, that's fine, expressing his opinion and all. But it got me wondering, if it was the peoples call, should not the person elected to re...