I Like Silly Acronyms
or at least decrease the population...
Published on November 20, 2004 By Danny Bassette In Politics
       Now that things have quieted down on the political front (I can hope at least) I'm going to share my solution to all the problems we have in America. One simple idea, that if properly implemented, would solver every single problem in this nation. Mind you, not all of them would be solved overnight, but given time all of our problems would go away.
       So here's the solution: "Blow all them foreigners to Hell and let God sort'em out!" Now I won't claim credit for such a brilliant idea, that honor goes to The Patriot Missile (who might have stolen the idea from elsewhere, who knows).
       Now I'm sure your wondering how anyone could consider this a good idea, don't worry I'll explain. America is a special nation (and continent for that matter) in that it has no natives. Everyone that lives here is either an immigrant, or the descendant of immigrants. My mom likes to trace our family back to the Mayflower, which came from europe. Some people don't have to look as far back to find their family's arrival here. Others (like the so called native americans) have to look back much much farther. But even they are foreigners, although I have heard various theories about where they originated. Western Africa and Northeastern Asia are the common ones, but all agree they didn't originate here.
       But I've failed to explain how getting rid of everyone in the nation is a good thing? Well look at it this way, if no one is here then there is noone to do anything wrong. Say you don't like criminals, politicians, clowns, vending machine repairmen, or anyone else. Well they are all gone, they can't do whatever it is that is causing problems. At least not in America.
       And while this same approach would work on much of the world, it wouldn't work on all of it. Somewhere out there we (as a species) are natives. Some say africa, the middle east, china, wherever it is this wouldn't work. But that wouldn't be America, so we are free to use this method here, although there are a few minor problems to be overcome.
       First, whatever method that is use to 'blow us to hell' must be sure to include those that implement it, unless they don't live in America. And second, once everyone is gone something must be done to prevent more immigrants. Since their arrival would cause more problems in this great nation, they mustn't be allowed to arrive. But with no one here I don't see how this could be done.
       Ok, so there are still a few bugs in this idea, but it's the thought that counts

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