I Like Silly Acronyms
Danny Bassette's Articles In MMORPG
December 17, 2004 by Danny Bassette
       Well I sucessfully downloaded Anarchy Online today. As BlueDev mentioned they are doing a free for a year thing, so I figured I might as well try it. 817 megabytes did take a while to download, although BitTorrent did make it easier. Install went fine and all, and I now have three characters sitting in the arrival hall.        As usual when games give me a choice, my character is a girl. Looking through th...
January 4, 2005 by Danny Bassette
       Last night I did a stupid (perhaps more then one, but I'm only talking about the one here). Some background will be needed for this to make sense, so background time it is.        Some friends (should they read this they will know who they are and can name themselves if they so choose, if they don't read/name themselves it's not my place to and won't change what I am saying here) gave me Star Wars Galaxies as an ...
December 14, 2004 by Danny Bassette
       So where to start? Every tale must have a beginning, but most do not start where they begin. There is a background and situations that bring about the beginning of the tale. So here we shall set the stage for the tale that we shall tell. Or I shall tell, you don't get to tell it, it's not your tale, it's mine        A long time ago in the far away land of Dereth... (cue flashy music) Towards the end of 1999 t...