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I Like Silly Acronyms
Lost In Morrowind
Published on March 19, 2005 By
Danny Bassette
So I got
a new computer
not too long ago and I decided to play some older games that I had difficulties with before. Like
. Previously, it was a great game, but I would spend way too much time loading, which made it less fun. Installed the game, and both of it's expansions, then went looking for mods. Morrowind came with it's own editor and there are a ton of mods out there for it. Well I found a bunch that I thought would be nice, got them all setup and made sure there weren't too many conflicts and then started playing.
Before there was too much loading, but now it's rare that I even see the loading message (after game start at least). Still havn't touched Tribunal or Bloodmoon, although these dark brotherhood assasins have been attacking me a few times. Havn't played them before, so I'm looking forward to it. But I want to get further along in some of the guilds first. So that's what I"m doing. I've finished all the quests the Imperial Cult offers, but don't have the skills yet for all the advancements. That's ok, I'll get there in time. But until then it's off to the mage guild with me. Then probably work for one of the houses, but that's later.
I really like how open ended the game is. Yes there is this main quest out there waiting for me to play with it, but I don't have to do that anytime soon. There are plenty of other things to do, from the various factions and random peoples quests, to just wandering the landscape. Is fun
I play the game in windowed mode so I can still get to other things without having to alt tab out. Lets me instant message people without shutting down the game, which is nice. But I've noticed it doesn't count being in the game as being at the computer. After playing for a bit, poof, my instant messaging accounts go idle even though I'm sitting right there. Is funny.
But anyways... back to morrowind for me
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Sleep is important
on Mar 19, 2005
I have been tempted to pick up Morrowind for a while now, especially since you can find the Gold pack for $20 now. But I am hesitant as I have heard reports of it running slowly and choppily on systems more powerful than mine (though I have also heard reports of it running super smooth on lesser systems). It fascinates me though, so I am sure I will pick it up at some point. Enjoy it.
Danny Bassette
on Mar 19, 2005
Well there are all sorts of settings you can use to increase performance. Someone even wrote a program that will change them on the fly to match your system. The game starts slowing down from too much going on and the settings get dropped automatically. And for twenty dollars, where can you go wrong?
on Mar 20, 2005
Lots of people did not like Morrowind, for various reasons, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I can not count the tremendous number of gaming hours that I put into it and its expansions. I played all the way through the original and both expansions, and enjoyed every minute of it. Probably one of my best gaming experiences ever. By the end of the game, I felt like a god, because nothing could touch me. I am drooling at the thought of playing Oblivion.
on Mar 20, 2005
With all the latest patches in, Morrowind runs more smoothly than when it was first released. Current computers run Morrowind without a problem, the computers that existed when MW was first released were strained by it. The only slowness is the game itself - Morrowind isn't something you can run around very quickly in, (unless you have a certain pair of magic shoes). There's a lot of freedom in that you can do what you want. There is a main quest but there's never any urgency to push you into it if you don't want to do it. I never really cared a lot aboutthe main quest with so many sidequests to do.
I made a warrior and he became head of the Fighter's Guild and the Rendoran Housefather. He is also an Imperial Dragon. I also had a Mage and was half way through with him before I left the game hanging because of other distractions. (Have all my saved games backed up for the day I return to it again.)
At first, MW feels like a challange, and then it becomes too easy. But the expansion packs do add challange. The MW world is huge and detailed, but the NPCs are lacking, often stiff and samey - I hope they improve this in Oblivion. But overall, the game world is a good place to get lost in if you feel the need to get away for a while from this one.
I don't know if the triple pack still has this problem - MW sometimes shuts itself off (close to desktop)in the middle of a game , so always save often. It happens to me if I play it for more than an hour or more, but for others it happens more often.
Danny Bassette
on Mar 20, 2005
: I don't care if everyone liked it or not, I did, you did, sounds good enough to me
I wouldn't go so far as to say it was the best game ever, but it was very good indeed.
: The patches helped alot, agreed, but I cheat some to get around the slow run speed. Thanks to the wonders of the built in editor (which I think was a great move on their part) my character walks out of the Customs and Excise office with a maxed out athletics and speed. So running can be worked around. Same with the generic npc's, the less generic npc mods make about half the towns have much better conversations. It would be great if they all had been that way from the start, but the modding community has done some impressive work. I've had a few crash to desktops, but I save often enough it's not a problem (or at least not a big one). Sounds like you enjoyed yourself in game as well
on Mar 21, 2005
I did enjoy the game
, although I admit that at first I didn't really like very much. It wasn't until I got into talking with the community that I started 'getting' what the game was all about.
I like that map that is included with the game, every rpg should have a map like that included. It actually does show most, if not all, of where the caves are.
on Mar 21, 2005
Yes, that is all that matters.
I guess I should clarify, though. I didn't really mean that it was the best game ever. I can think of plenty of games that are better games overall, but to me, it has been one of the best gaming experiences. I have never put the amount of time into another game, nor come away with the overwhelming feeling that I had played a huge part in an epic story and that I had chosen my path the whole way. So, I agree that while the game could have been a better game, the gaming experience was one of the best I have ever had. If Oblivion can keep the same formula, but improve on the lacking aspects of Morrowind, there's no telling what will happen.
Its good to see that people are still playing Morrowind and enjoying it. It makes me want to reinstall.
Sugar High Elf
on Mar 21, 2005
Did all this gaming keep you from doing your homework?
Danny Bassette
on Mar 21, 2005
That is a loaded question miss elf. Years back I would spend much time playing games that I probably should have spent doing homework. But I didn't care about the homework, so I played games instead. But that has changed, and the last class I took I did my homework. So I'm going to say no, gaming didn't keep me from my homework
Sugar High Elf
on Mar 21, 2005
You know what homework I'm talking about... or at least you had better. Are you stalling? Because I'm not going to forget and I will keep bugging you about it. Or, was this your way of saying, "No, I didn't do it, but it wasn't the games fault"?
Danny Bassette
on Mar 22, 2005
I actually didn't know what you were talking about when I first wrote that comment, but I figured it out and rewrote it before posting. I am not stalling, although you have an odd way of bugging me (is instant messenger not working?). That was my way of saying yes while trying to keep on topic so that the other three people that read this wouldn't wonder what in the world we were talking about.
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