I Like Silly Acronyms
a perfect job, in a perfect world
Published on March 11, 2005 By Danny Bassette In Blogging
       You've just been given your perfect job (occupation, place of employement, you get the idea), regardless of qualifications or skills.
1/ What would be your perfect job?
2/ How close are you currently to doing this job?
3/ What skills/abilities/whatnot would you need before you could do this job?
4/ Why arn't you working towards this perfect job? (unless you are, in which case when do you think you'll get there?)
5/ And what is your current job?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 11, 2005
For the good or the bad of it, my perfect job would not exist in a perfect world, but I'll try to play along anyway!! ;~D

1/ What would be your perfect job?
Command/Coordinator for Emergency Management

2/ How close are you currently to doing this job?
Eons away. Training, experience, on track, but physically unable.

3/ What skills/abilities/whatnot would you need before you could do this job?
The more emergency services training, the better, experience, degree in health sciences or organizational management definitely a plus.
4/ Why arn't you working towards this perfect job? (unless you are, in which case when do you think you'll get there?)
5/ And what is your current job?
Pefessional Disabled Vet ;~D

Great topic for a "friday five"!!!
on Mar 11, 2005

1/ What would be your perfect job?

Signals Intelligence Czar

2/ How close are you currently to doing this job?

Several politicians away...

3/ What skills/abilities/whatnot would you need before you could do this job?

The ones I have now. (and he's modest!)

4/ Why arn't you working towards this perfect job? (unless you are, in which case when do you think you'll get there?)

I am no good at politicking and my charismatic buddy who is has too many skeletons in his closet for me to ride his coattails...
5/ And what is your current job?

Signals Intelligence Chump.

on Mar 11, 2005
Signals Intelligence Chump.

Hey greywar I find it *extremely* unlikely that you are a "chump" of *any* sort!
on Mar 11, 2005
unlikely that you are a "chump" of *any* sort!
Thanks doc... I will take you off of the Echelon "monitor" list...
on Mar 11, 2005
1/ What would be your perfect job?
Any kind of job that lets me work out problems, work independently, and I don't have to meet people.

2/ How close are you currently to doing this job?
Pretty close. Everything is about right except for irritating people I have to work with, and occassional "politics".

3/ What skills/abilities/whatnot would you need before you could do this job?

Not a matter of ability or skills. I guess to truly work alone and independently and control one's environment one would need to bave a high rank, starts with a PhD probably.

4/ Why arn't you working towards this perfect job? (unless you are, in which case when do you think you'll get there?)

There's no escaping irritating people anywhere you go I suspect. Besides, life might get too dull. PhD? No money, not good enough to get a scholarship and I just hate to have to do report writing.

5/ And what is your current job?

I'm a molecular biologist in a research lab.
on Mar 11, 2005

1/ What would be your perfect job?
Producing a made for TV movie - got one in mind.

2/ How close are you currently to doing this job?
About a year out.

3/ What skills/abilities/whatnot would you need before you could do this job?
There are many, not the least of which is the ability to put up with a whole lot a sh**. Also have several degrees and certificates that all say I sat in a bunch of classes where I theoretically learned someting. Also been a professional writer/director of TV commercials and have some short films under my belt. Hope I'm ready. Think so.

4/ Why arn't you working towards this perfect job? (unless you are, in which case when do you think you'll get there?)
The idea is to buy the rights to the book sometime this year and begin fundraising, and hopefully complete principle photography by the end of next summer...Anybody have any money they want to throw my way?

5/ And what is your current job?
Marketing coordinator and also college instructor (screenwriting).


Thanks Danny!

on Mar 11, 2005
1/ What would be your perfect job?
Prosecuting attorney, assistant D.A. type.

2/ How close are you currently to doing this job?
Umm...I work in the field, but I get to do the bitch work after the decisions have been made. What I want to do will let me make the decisions.

3/ What skills/abilities/whatnot would you need before you could do this job?
More college, and a Bar exam.

4/ Why arn't you working towards this perfect job? (unless you are, in which case when do you think you'll get there?)
I am. I'll get there eventually. I might be 50 and taking the Bar, but who cares, right?
5/ And what is your current job?
I'm a notary/legal assistant/traineee paralegal.
on Mar 11, 2005
Danny, these are very good questions that has got me thinking.

My perfect job would really be to have my own business. That's a dream of mine that I've put on hold since moving from NY. But, the bug is biting and I promise myself to focus on it this year.

I can't really answer the questions because I'm torn between two things that I absolutely love to do:
(1) I love Accessories, high end costume jewellery and belts, bags, etc. I've always dreamed of opening my own store. And since I love dealing with people and I've been in sales before, it's a perfect match for me. And (2) I love being a support person, organizing, getting people on tract, details, details, projects, assignments, being "the woman behind the man or woman" in other words. So I've thought of doing that as a business for myself as well. I'm very good at what I do so I know I would succeed.

But, I have not yet decided which it will be.

At the moment I'm an Office Assistant in an office with architects and project managers. We design, create, renovate, expand, all those building stuff!
on Mar 11, 2005
First, my dream not-gonna-happen job

1. Queen of the New United Scotland
2. Well, seeing as how it isn't its own country anymore, and even if it were, I'm like 23 in line for the throne...(I think most of my family would turn the job down, so I have a chance)
3. I would need to take a LOT of poli-sci classes, and some debate, and "How to behead your enemies 101"
4. Well, I am, but I can't give you detials, or I'd have to kill you... maybe I don't need that class after all...
5. Student. and now RA girl!!!

Now, dream job that could happen:
1. English Prof and Prof of the Honors College at my School
2. Well, I may get to teach next spring, and at least people know me here...
3. I need my Doctorate. So, that means I need some money to pay for graduate school
4. I am working towards this job... it should take me another 6-10 years to get my PhD. and then I don't know how long to get back to UCA
5. again I say, RA girl!!
on Mar 11, 2005
1/ What would be your perfect job?
Teen Center Coordinator for a high school run coffeehouse.

2/ How close are you currently to doing this job?
I apply for it tomorrow morning.

3/ What skills/abilities/whatnot would you need before you could do this job?
It would help if I had more experience with teens. I do have a lot of experience organizing events, facilitating youth leadership, and hanging out in coffeeshops.

4/ Why arn't you working towards this perfect job? (unless you are, in which case when do you think you'll get there?)
Cross your fingers for me.

5/ And what is your current job?
Before/After elementary school care Assistant Supervisor.

1/ What would be your perfect job?
Signals Intelligence Czar

I also wouldn't mind being called a czar of some sort.

PS - it also should come as little surprise that I wish I could make a $1/year as a poet on the side. Actually, I wouldn't care if I even lost money so long as people were actually interested in reading it.
on Mar 11, 2005
One more thing, how come I don't see an icon to add this to my watch list? Sorry about the double post.

Please delete upon answering.
on Mar 11, 2005
1/ What would be your perfect job?
I wish I could be a MLB Umpire

2/ How close are you currently to doing this job?
Not even a little bit... I like to watch baseball.

3/ What skills/abilities/whatnot would you need before you could do this job?
I'd probably have to sustain some permanant eye injury...

4/ Why arn't you working towards this perfect job? (unless you are, in which case when do you think you'll get there?)
It's more of a dream job than a planned future job.

5/ And what is your current job?
I am a Soldier in the US Army. Currently stationed at DLI teaching Korean to new servicemembers.
on Mar 11, 2005
One more thing, how come I don't see an icon to add this to my watch list? Sorry about the double post.

I think that disappeared from the forum options. You should still be able to add it if you go to Danny's blog site.
on Mar 11, 2005
Looks like many of you are working towards your job, good for you
on Mar 11, 2005
unlikely that you are a "chump" of *any* sort!
Thanks doc... I will take you off of the Echelon "monitor" list...

I really hope that you do not expect me to quit bashing COL Gene or dabe?
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