I Like Silly Acronyms
your wish is my command...
Published on March 4, 2005 By Danny Bassette In Blogging
       You've acquired a genie who will now grant you three wishes, the only restriction being you can't wish for more wishes.
1/ How/where did you acquire the genie/what is the genie in (doesn't have to be a lamp)?
2/ What is your first wish?
3/ What is your second wish?
4/ What is your third wish (those were easy questions to ask )?
5/ Your wishes are done, what do you do with the genie (or their container) now?
And a welcome back to Mignuna, she can reclaim friday fives anytime, just tell me so we don't do two in one week (or none )

on Mar 04, 2005
Hey Danny. How you doing?Good questions..I should wish for world peace, but everyone does that., so I figure I'm covered to just make selfish wishes!

1)The genie would live in a bottle of jack daniels. I would acquire him from the bar where I work. And probably get in trouble for stealing.
2)I wish everyone I met had something to teach me.
3)I wish I had enough money to go to NYU.
4)I wish I had more security.
5)I'd drink the whiskey, take the genie out and show him a good time. hehe.

Dyl xx
on Mar 04, 2005
1) I found the genie in the trunk of my car....and I thought it was a dead body all this time!
2) I would wish that the war in Iraq would stop
3) I would wish for 5 million dollars. I would put 1 million into a charity, 1 million into aids research, 1 million into cancer research, split 1 million to give to a few friends and family members, and keep 1 million for me and my husband.
4) I would wish for a trip around the world.
5) I would pass him on to someone else....
on Mar 04, 2005

1/ How/where did you acquire the genie/what is the genie in (doesn't have to be a lamp)?

I went scuba diving in Mexico and sure enough, there it was! It was an old green bottle lodged under a rock. Don't know how I saw it...but I grabbed it and took it up to the surface with me. Later on, in the hotel room, I was washing the bottle and smoke started pouring out of it...you know, the old story. The genie's name was Dave and he offered me the standard 3 wishes.


Of course I immediately went silent. I wasn't going to start musing to myself about how it would be nice to have a sandwich and use up one of my wishes.

2/ What is your first wish?

Money. Yeah, seems like such a selfish thing to wish for, but think of all the good I could do with money. I mean, aside from giving to charity and all that junk. I could beautify the world a little more by driving a great car, wearing lovely clothes and getting my nails done on a regular basis. Oh yes, just think of all the good I could do with money. Better yet, I could start my own production company and make some movies!


I wish to win the lottery, where the jackpot is at least 50 million and I am the sole winner.

3/ What is your second wish?

Well, now that I have a production company I will certainly need some talent. I need to write some good scripts, find some talented people to cast and crew the projects, etc.


I wish that all of my writings are intelligent, well-written pieces that are critical and box office successes.

4/ What is your third wish

Now that I am a success I can't seem to get any privacy. The paparazzi chase me everywhere, rabid fans stalk my every move. Can't a person visit one topless beach with out the tabloids going crazy? Ok, maybe I shouldn't have been snorting that cocaine while propositioning an underage hooker outside an LA nightclub, but sheesh, you'd think the press would lay off. I think I'm going MAD!!!


I don't care if I have to kill somebody I wish everyone would just leave me alone!!!


5/ Your wishes are done, what do you do with the genie (or their container) now?

Well, I'm in solitary confinement in prison now, and people pretty much leave me alone. In hindsight, I shouldn't have used that last wish the way I did. They confiscated Dave and his green bottle, so undoubtedly there is some cop out there driving a jaguar and spending millions on God knows what. I started out with all the best intentions, what happened?


I wish I had never found that bottle.

on Mar 04, 2005
1) I would find the Genie while digging in the sand at the beach.
2) My son to be cured of his asthma forever
3)My bank account to never run out of money - ever
4)Find a cure for cancer, aids, - all the diseases
5)Bury it for someone else to find

That was easy enough!
on Mar 04, 2005
DylanZimmerman: I guess I'm doing ok, yeah that's my answer Nice wishes, although I think the first one is already covered.
alison watkins: Money but a sensible amount, mostly for others, good idea there. Anyone in particular you would pass him on to?
Cordelia: Play it safe by being quiet at the start, yet making a wish that backfires later on. Sounds like a story
foreverserenity: Money and medicine, good things to wish for. Nice idea on the bank account never running out instead of large piles of money.
on Mar 04, 2005
1. Someone at my secret society meeting hands me a book. They tell me to be careful and walk away quickly.
2. I would wish for the ability to teleport
3. I would wish for a goose that lays gold, diamond, emerald and platinum eggs
4. I would wish for my very own "world's largest" library to live in filled with every book ever written and where new books are automatically sent.
5. I'd take the book back to my secret society and give it to the next person and warn them to be careful and walk away quickly.l

(hehehe... you knew there'd be books, didn't you?)
on Mar 04, 2005
Ah Cordelia, there certaily is a story somewhere in yours! Very funny
on Mar 04, 2005
actually, yes. I have a friend who just found out he has leukemia. I would pass it to him.
on Mar 05, 2005
1/ The genie is in a toaster, she (and since it's my genie it's a she ) only shows up when you use the toaster and it's empty. When the timer goes off and bread would pop out instead out pops the genie. And it was found at the neighbors garage sale, good place to find bizarre magical items.
Before making any wishes I'd try talking to the genie (ie what can be wished for? does it have to be worded precisly or will it be the spirit of the wish? what is it like being a genie? etc, just long chats with genie about genieness, assuming they would be willing to talk), since wishes tend to backfire and I'd want to have some idea of what sort of mess I was going to get into.
2/ First wish is for SWIWNN, something like "I wish SWIWNN (although I'd use her real name for the genie) would have her greatest wish granted". Hopefully that wouldn't break the more wishes rule, since it's more of moving the wish then granting more.
3/ Second wish is for me, and while some form of more wishes would be nice, and could probably be snuck in by doing something like having a book where everything written in it becomes true, that would violate the rule in spirit at least, so no doing that. Instead my wish would be aimed at changing my body, I'm thinking something along the lines of a shapshifter. That way I could do fun things like grow wings or extra arms or whatever as needed. So "I wish I could change my body to whatever I wanted it to be"
4/ Third wish is for the genie, I would ask her what she would want and if it wouldn't clearly lead to badness (ie if she wants to kill everyone on the planet that would be bad) I'd wish it for them. If she wanted to be free, or buried on the bottom of the ocean, or sent to tahiti for the weekend or whatever, I would wish that for them. After all, they were nice enough to grant my wishes, is the least I could do
5/ This would depend on the last wish, but my first thought would be to hide it so that it couldn't be used to cause the sorts of messes that often happen when people have power. Although having read other peoples wishes I'm not so sure about that. So if possible (ie not contradicting the genies wish) I would set the toaster on the counter, with a bag of bread next to it and let what happens happen. But if the genie wanted any of the examples for her wish from above this wouldn't be a relevant question, since she would either be elsewhere already or it would be an empty toaster (in which case time for a snack )
Sugar High Elf: Books? Imagine that Although teleporting could be fun too.
on Mar 05, 2005
Hehehe, you should watch "Amityville Toaster" on Link
just go to toons and click on the cartoon. I think you'll find it funny.

And yes, teleporting could be really fun.
on Mar 06, 2005
1.I found my genie in an old glass bottle on my local beach. She looks like a cross between Barbara Eden and Elizabeth Montgomery.

2.Wish number one would be for a safe, clean, cheap and non-polluting energy source to power everything from transport to home electricals.

3.Wish number two would be for peace on Earth (as no one else has wished for this). If not, then I'd wish for an end to famine and poverty on Earth.

4.Wish number three would be purely selfish as I'd wish for my hearing to be 100 percent again.

5.I would then pass the bottle on to the first street beggar I met and implore him or her to do the same once they finish making their wishes.
on Mar 09, 2005
Great topic, danny.

1/ How/where did you acquire the genie/what is the genie in (doesn't have to be a lamp)?

I found it when I was cleaning the inside of the couch along with a key, some Cheerios, a hot wheels, and 72 cents. My genie looks like David Duchovny (mmmm...) and he lives in a Rainforest Cafe coffee mug.

2/ What is your first wish?

Success and happiness for my children.

3/ What is your second wish?

Peace...an end to war...

4/ What is your third wish (those were easy questions to ask )?

Mind-reading powers, hehe.

5/ Your wishes are done, what do you do with the genie (or their container) now?

Have my way with him (he is David Duchovny, after all).