I Like Silly Acronyms
Older, and wiser?
Published on March 1, 2005 By Danny Bassette In Current Events
       Today is my birthday, and I'm 27 today (assuming my math is correct, I was born in 1978). Yet I'm generally depressed. I'm just not a happy person. I doubt this has anything to do with my birthday (age or other related events). My life is not what I want, I don't think it can be, I definetly don't know how to go about getting it there if it was possible. So I sit here being a whiny maggot (which I often call my brother, yet the title fits me just as well, if not better).
       I have this nice computer that I got as an early birthday present, yet I don't know if I really want it. I almost don't want a computer at all, yet it's what I spend my day using. (Is a nice computer and it was nice of my parents to give it to me, don't get me wrong at that) I have ideas for articles that I'm sure would be nice and such, but I don't write them (like anyone could confirm or deny that, actions speak louder then words and I don't talk much). I'm just too lazy and unmotivated, apathetic even. Oh well.
       Happy birthday to me, see you all in a year (and likely many times between now and then).

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 01, 2005
Happy Birthday, Danny, and may your next see you happier.

Keep writing, cause I read your stuff, but more importantly, LIVE YOUR LIFE!
on Mar 01, 2005
If you could see me, I'd be doing a dorky little dance with this (Imagine a hoe-down from Who's Line)


Or, the truly horrible operatic version of Happy Birthday. I can do that one too.

Or maybe you'd prefer Marylin Monroe?

hehehe....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! (that was sung drunk style, if you know what I mean)

Happy Birthday Danny!!! (and many moooooooooooore)
on Mar 01, 2005
Happy Birthday to you Danny. Enjoy your day, eat a piece of pie or somethng, indulge yourself. I hope you will cheer up soon.

Hey, you know what, when life gives you lime, make lemonade, you know the saying! And if you hate lemonade, then make punch. Just live your life as Xtine says. And it's never too late to make changes in your life. One day you'll find the will and the way. OK, OK, I'll stop preaching now. I'm just saying...!
on Mar 01, 2005
if you could see me, id be sewn into this really tight satin sheath and standing at the podium breathlessly whisper/singing 'happpppyyy

good thing you aint jfk and i'm not ms monroe cuz if that were the case, we'd both be outta birthdays.

actions do speak louder than words; in your case, you act frequently, offering encouragement to so many people here through your always very supportive, kind words. don't devalue that sorta accomplishment please.

if youre still running, go head out and do a few miles if for nothing else than to enjoy the feeling of being only 27 and remaining that way for another full orbit of the sun.
on Mar 01, 2005

I second everyone's sentiments and add my own. I wish you joy this year. If it doesn't come to you, you have to go out and grab it by the neck and throttle the crap out of it. JoeUser would not be the same without you.

When you are feeling down you can always count your blessings. Here's a starter: Thank God I am not there to sing to you in person (it would be horrendous, take my word for it).

on Mar 01, 2005
Happy birthday, danny. You are just a treasure...I hope you know that.
on Mar 01, 2005
You are just a treasure...I hope you know that.

So can we bury him?

Just joshin', danny. Happy birthday, ya young whippersnapper! (LOL)
on Mar 01, 2005
For your birthday, I will sing you my favorite Birthday Song!!! (ok, you can't actually hear me, but I will send you the words!) Lucky yoU!!!

Just think of the words as if "Lurch" were singing them. ;~D

Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Fear and sorrow fill the air
people dying everywhere
so happy birthday

on Mar 01, 2005
on Mar 01, 2005
Happy Birthday Danny!  Did you get your new computer?
on Mar 01, 2005
Happy Birthday Danny!!!!
Hope this will truly be a great year for you.... I really want to see you smile more THIS year than LAST
on Mar 01, 2005
Happy Birthday, Danny.

May opportunities come your way in the year ahead.
on Mar 01, 2005
Happt birthday, Danny!
on Mar 01, 2005
Danny...it's YouR Day and you can be a "whiny maggot" if you want to be...lol
Have a Wonderful Birthday, and may you have happier ones to come.
on Mar 01, 2005
Happy Birthday, Danny. Go out and have a cold one! hehe
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