I Like Silly Acronyms
foil beanies won't save you this time
Published on February 25, 2005 By Danny Bassette In Blogging
       You've been abducted by aliens. Before they get to the mandatory anal probing, they have some questions on humanity for you.
1/ What does the alien look like (ok, they aren't asking you this one)?
2/ What is humanities best trait and who best demonstrates it?
3/ What is humanities worst trait and who most shows it?
4/ What is the best answer to the meaning of life that humanity has developed?
5/ The aliens will answer any one question to the best of their ability, what do you ask them?

on Feb 25, 2005
1. Look in the mirror, bug-head!
2. Our ability to forgive and forget - most of us
3. Our ability to dwell in the past - most of us
4. I'd cop out and say '42', as per Douglas Adams 'Hitchhiker's Guide...'
5. What's that button over there for?
on Feb 25, 2005
4. I'd cop out and say '42', as per Douglas Adams 'Hitchhiker's Guide...'

Now there's a Frood who really knows where his towel is! ;~D
on Feb 25, 2005
...and I always carry a spare just in case
on Feb 25, 2005
1/ What does the alien look like (ok, they aren't asking you this one)?

I would imagine them being pale. Too much movie influences. Honestly I wouldn't know, but I would certainly be surprised whatever they may look like.

2/ What is humanities best trait and who best demonstrates it?

The ability to adapt. I would say most people can demostrate this.

3/ What is humanities worst trait and who most shows it?

Quick to judge on appearances. Or selfishness.

4/ What is the best answer to the meaning of life that humanity has developed?

er...TV. (I don't why that popped into my head, but that's the only answer I can come up with.)

5/ The aliens will answer any one question to the best of their ability, what do you ask them?

Do you believe in a God? (I know that's one of the things I would certainly be curious about!)
on Feb 25, 2005

>>You've been abducted by aliens.


>>Before they get to the mandatory anal probing, they have some >questions on humanity for you.

As If I would know the answers! Wait a minute...Did you just say anal probing?

>>1/ What does the alien look like (ok, they aren't asking you this one)?

Based on what I know of Biology, I doubt they'll look like anything I can imagine...ok, they look like big bugs. Probably something in the cockroach family. I'll cower and apologize for squahing so many of their bretheren.

>>2/ What is humanities best trait and who best demonstrates it?

Oh God. Wait! That wasn't my answer! Humanities best trait is a sense of honor that causes us to do right by each other and ourselves. Honor that forces us to recognize that we have personal responsibility for our lives and our actions. Honor that causes us to be honest, upright citizens who walk gently upon the Earth. Honor that causes us to treat our fellow men and women with dignity and respect.

I cannot think of anyone who lives this way, although I'm sure there are some out there.

>>3/ What is humanities worst trait and who most shows it?

Lack of basic human respect for our fellow human beings. This trait will be the downfall of mankind. Again no example; I know, It's a cop out!

>>4/ What is the best answer to the meaning of life that humanity has developed?

Existence actually has no meaning. When you think about it, it can be quite freeing. We are a silent scream. Until you can get your head around this you will live and incomplete, unfulfilled and totally neurotic life. That's why so many people claim they want to kill themselves - they are trying get some control over the fear of death and let it go so they can get on with the business of living and have some energy leftover to enjoy a sunrise.

Having said all that, I will admit that I live an incomplete, unfilfilled and totally neurotic life. And I know those of you with a strong faith will disagree with my take on the meaning of life. I respect that. 

>>5/ The aliens will answer any one question to the best of their ability, what do you ask them?

Are there other aliens out there, how many, and what are they like?

on Feb 25, 2005
You watched that Alien stuff on ABC last night, uh Danny?

2/ What is humanities best trait and who best demonstrates it?

Being able to love unconditionally We all do of course!

3/ What is humanities worst trait and who most shows it?

Hate, ignorance, selfishness - Most people do

4/ What is the best answer to the meaning of life that humanity has developed?

I dunno, this one I would have to think really deeply about because it deserves a good answer. A spur of the moment response, our children.

5/ The aliens will answer any one question to the best of their ability, what do you ask them?

Are there any other planets like ours? (we just haven't discovered it yet)
on Feb 26, 2005
1/ What does the alien look like (ok, they aren't asking you this one)? Grey with big eyes. A thousand alien movies can't be wrong.
2/ What is humanities best trait and who best demonstrates it? love, and kids show it most often.
3/ What is humanities worst trait and who most shows it? The need for power. I'd say men, but to be more polite, say politicians.
4/ What is the best answer to the meaning of life that humanity has developed? I don't know, but seeing so many people who have faith that there is something more is pretty good.
5/ The aliens will answer any one question to the best of their ability, what do you ask them? Why?
on Feb 27, 2005
1/ Is a pink blob that shoots out tentacle arms to manipulate the environment.
2/ a sense of humor, for today I'll say my brotherinlaw Nate is best, but there are many many people with this trait out there (yeah us )
3/ greed, no great examples for this, which is a good thing, but it's common enough in small doses to be worth worrying about
4/ 42/(the universe and everything), not sure what that would end up equaling
5/ What is the average airspeed of an unladen swallow? Not that I'd care about the answer, more of how they would go about answering. Would they be able to answer? Would they get the joke? Would they just say they don't know and be done with it?

ParaTed2k: Not that there is anything wrong with commenting, but it would be nice of you to answer the questions
Cordelia: Yes, I did say anal probing, that's what all aliens do to abductees, right?
foreverserenity: Nope, no abc show for me, I watch very little tv.
Good answers everyone, see you next week (and as always anyone that hasn't answered yet is still welcome to answer)
on Feb 28, 2005
Not that there is anything wrong with commenting, but it would be nice of you to answer the questions

Way to tell me off!! ;~D

1: The aliens look like a cross between Human Beings, Homo Sapiens and Television Evangelists.
2: The ability to destroy the world, and save a single life (and vise versa), often by the same action. Best done by those with a pulse.
3: Same as #2
4: (Since 42 has already been used ;~D). The meaning of life human life is to accomplish that magical metamorphosis of transforming oxygen into carbon dioxide, just to allow plantlife to exist on this planet.
5: If "Howdy Doody" and "Amos and Andy" were your first indications of the existence of life on this planet, what made you assume there would be "intelligent" life here? ;~D
on Feb 28, 2005
1. Hopefully something like the ewoks from Star Wars... I don't think I'd mind probing from such a cute and cuddly creature
2. The abilty to love beyond the self. Good examples are Mother Teresa, Amy Carmichael, Mary Slessor, Gandhi.. etc
3. Our tendency to pay $50 for a facial but won't give $5 to a homeless guy on the street-- just go to a major city
4. We are here to learn, love, listen, look and LIVE! That is the meaning of life.
5. One of two questions... How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tutsi Roll Tutsi Pop, or What would you do for a Klondike Bar?