I Like Silly Acronyms
Enjoy The Silence
Published on January 14, 2005 By Danny Bassette In Personal Computing
       So I was playing Civilization and noticed I had no sound, hadn't noticed sound since I installed it the other day. Figured it was just the game being messed up and didn't worry about it, not like I play the game for sound anyways. But then I noticed sound wasn't working for anything.
       So off I go to check settings. Is not muted, can't find any settings errors, speakers are on, but no noise is coming out. Can't figure it out, I decide not to worry about it for now.
       Three days later (which makes it today) I notice the volume slider is all the way down. So not actually muted, but the effect was the same. No idea how it got that way, but easily fixed and now I have noise again. Silly me, missing that when I checked before.

on Jan 14, 2005
Hmmm, think you're on the wrong messageboard (have no idea what all this means)...
on Jan 14, 2005
Seemed like the right category to put it under to me, oh well.
on Jan 17, 2005
Looks like "Personal Computing" is one of those categories that gets posted over on WinCustomize as well as JoeUser. You had the right category, Danny - it just attracted a different audience than you were expecting.
on Jan 17, 2005
I should have expected that, but it's not like it was great big flashy news anyways. And on a completely different topic, did you know that your user access is listed as "(Not Used)(6)"? Yet your using it, silly software
on Jan 17, 2005
Not used, eh? Maybe it is referring to the relevancy of my topics. ::
on Jan 18, 2005

Personal computing is about talking about computers. Your post was totally on topic. The location of the forum doesn't matter.  Good post.

on Jan 18, 2005
Not used, eh?

My best guess is that you've been assigned a level that doesn't have a name associated with it. Whether this is a mistake or an oversight, I couldn't say. [/speculation]