I Like Silly Acronyms
Christmas At The Bassette's
Published on December 25, 2004 By Danny Bassette In Home & Family
       I was awoken this morning by my brothers and sister storming into my room to announce that yes, it was christmas. I keep my door locked to prevent just such an occurance, but it didn't seem to matter to them. So down we all go to see what wonders Santa had left under the tree.
       Santa, who we all know is a lie and yet pretend isn't while calling each other liars for pretending. I think I could accept it if we consistently lied in the name of entertaining my younger brothers, but we don't. We say Santa is real one minute and the next he's not. The inconsistency is frustrating. But enough about Santa.
       Presents were opened by all with a few highlights. Mom has this thing about answering odd questions before presents can be opened. Things like favorite christmas tradition, most embarassing christmas, favorite snowy memory, and so on. Tends to draw out the opening of presents, which isn't bad, but I'm not the only one it annoys, which is bad. Anyways, on to presents.
       My brother gave me a pepperoni stick and the dog wanted to open it for me. She thought it was her present, was most entertaining. Dad got a PDA, to replace the one he broke before. It was funny, he was going on about how he couldn't wait the eight hours for the batteries to charge. Both my brothers made huge fusses about how many clothes they recieved, they clearly wanted more toys. Can you say commercialization of christmas? Both mom and grandma received cell phones. I got the return of the king dvd, which is nice since I havn't seen that one yet. Josh was given a telescope which he proceeded to setup and watch the neighbors houses with, and he was encouraged to be a peeping tom (I'm not kidding). Noah received spider-man 2, in fact there was very much a spider-man theme this year (underwear, candy, action figures, etc). I also got two copies of the darwin awards, which strikes me as just stupid.
       I don't like stupidity, in myself or others. Sure, people are stupid, accept it, deal with it. But I have better ways to waste my time then read books about people that are so stupid they have gotten themselves killed. Yet for some reason my family thinks I like the things. They also have a habit of getting me dilbert and farside books. Those at least are funny without being truly stupid, just bizarre. Mind you, I'd rather they didn't get me either since they will just sit on a shelf gathering dust. There is a reason I don't ask for christmas presents...
       While many other gifts were both given and received, those are the ones that stuck with me. The rest of the day was about eating and laying around between eating. or at least it was for the rest of the family, I'm not a big fan of eating until you can't move. That and the holiday foods tend to scare me. We had three meals today, even as they tried to call them one.
       Breakfast was called audouvers (or however you spell that word meaning premeal snacks) but it was a meal in itself. Sticky buns, sausages, strange fruit things, shrimp, vegetable slices, etc. Then after presents was dinner, the only offical meal of the day. Turkey, onion celeste, mashed potatos, olives, stuffing, etc. And six hours later we had dinner, called dessert. Cake, cookies, ice cream, cookies, rasberry strangeness, and did I mention the christmas cookies. The food was great, don't get me wrong, but trying to call three meals one, well seems rather silly to me.
       And that was Christmas (even if technically the day has two hours to go here). I hope you all had a pleasant one yourself

on Dec 26, 2004
Yeah, I ate too much and drank a little bit too much also. But all in all I had a good christmas and It sounds like you had an entertaining day. But I hope you had a good one.

Oh, by the way. It's aur dourves.
on Dec 26, 2004
I misspelled it myself. Its Hor d'oeuvres:)
on Dec 26, 2004
Is all good, at least we know what we are talking about
on Dec 26, 2004
>> Sure, people are stupid, accept it, deal with it. But I have better ways to waste my time then read books about people that are so stupid they have gotten themselves killed.

I might be amused, but some other book would have been better and more useful I'm sure. The fact that the world is full of stupid people is nothing new. That people would publish volumes about stupid people to earn money is quite clever only because there are people who will buy it. sigh.
on Dec 27, 2004
Danny, cute title btw, sounds like you had fun. They probably keep giving you those books because of what they think is your...humor? Just guessing or at least trying to make you feel better,lol. Hey, eating a lot and, even some family members gorging, is what it's all about!
on Dec 28, 2004
Ravenblack: I think that is exactly the point, the book is a clever way to make money from stupidity.
foreverserenity: Yes, that is why they give me those books, they think I'll like them. Glad you liked the title
on Dec 28, 2004
Heh, well sounds like a stuffing christmas (in a good way!) hehe. Next year tell them what you dont want for Christmas, might help.

Oh by the way, it is Hors D'oeuvres. Nearly there da face
on Dec 31, 2004

Well, at least I know you enjoyed the Christmas cookies....you mentioned them often. Glad the day wasn't all bad!


on Dec 31, 2004
Yes, christmas cookies were good. We even have a few left, but not many. Probably eat them up tonight.
on Jan 01, 2005
I'm glad you had a nice Christmas, danny. I enjoyed reading this . . . and the breakfast sounds awesome.
on Jan 01, 2005
Thanks, I hope you had a good christmas too. And breakfast was good, best meal of the day