a short tale of two games...
The intent of this article is to give some background as to where i'm been/how i've acted online.
At this point i've been online for something like fifteen years. And for most of that time i've lurked. I tend to be slow to get involved in things with people (both on and offline). Look, listen, get a feel for whats going on, then jump in and make a fool of myself. This is meant with some seriousness, but mostly humor, after all, if i can't make fun of myself who can?
I've been a gamer (at least of the computer variety) for years, even longer then i've been online, but i didn't play with other people, only myself. Until Ahseron's Call that is, that game changed alot in my life. It being an online game i met many people, and as in all groups there were good and bad. I played the game for about three years, although the last two was more 'chatting' then 'playing'. There were also message boards and such, much like joe user. On the slim chance anyone here played Asheron's Call, i was Psycho Mage from Leafcull. Due to my amazing people skills i made, and then lost, hundreds of friends in that game. The relationships i formed in that game have had a huge impact on my life, but that's another story (or more).
A few years later Galactic Civilizations came out, and through stardocks updater i saw a link for joeuser.com. I was curious, so i clicked it and found this place. A few months (and reading countless articles) later brings me to where i am today. I blame dharmagrl, after all she did trick me into posting in her 'who reads me' article
Considering past events i'm sure i'll make plenty of friends here, and then lose them. Don't take it personal or anything, it's me, not you...