I Like Silly Acronyms
Published on November 2, 2004 By Danny Bassette In Blogging
So i was thinking (potentially dangerous, i know) would it be possible
to get a negative score/points/whatever you want to call it. As i
understand it people declaring a comment of mine as trolling gets me
negative points, so in theory, enough people telling me how bad my
comments are would get me a negative total. Mind you, it will take lots
of people to manage that one, but incredible fewer people for me then if
say Draginol, were to attempt the same. So here's what i'm going to do:
finish writing this, make a pointless comment people can declare
trolling, and then hope some one else likes this idea enough to make my
score go down. Or maybe i'll find out i can lower my own score, that
would be fun too

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 14, 2004
You know, this just isn't working. Even I received lots of trollings it would just lower the rate of point gain, but I'd still be gaining points. I need to come up with a better plan for having low points. Not writing/commenting is out, as is getting banned. So I guess that leaves getting Draginol to do me a favor, which seems like a waste of a favor, if I ever managed to get him to owe me a favor in the first place. Or illegaly accessing joeuser.com and messing with the data files, which seems like a good way to get banned as well. I guess I'll just accept that I'm going to have a positive number of points and go on with my life.
Thanks for the troll anyways TheFazz
And greywar, I commented on your article, that will teach you to give me insightfuls =P
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